Canada is interested in immigrant doctors

The government gives them more opportunities to get permanent residency.
Foreign doctors who work in Canada have been given more opportunities to obtain permanent residency. That's how the government is solving the problem of a shortage in healthcare. Sean Fraser, the Canadian Minister of Immigration, announced the changes on September 23.
One of the problems that prevent physicians from obtaining permanent residency is the employment system. Many physicians who work in a hospital are not paid a fixed salary but are paid for their appointments, that is a “fee-for-service” model. Therefore, they are not considered employees, but self-employed, and because of this, they are ineligible under many immigration programs for skilled workers.
Now the requirement that the candidate must have employment experience will be eliminated in the federal programs specifically for healthcare workers, so more doctors will be able to apply for PR. Nothing will change for candidates with other professions.
For 2022, Canada has already accepted more than 8,600 temporary and permanent residence applications from people who intend to work in the healthcare sector. Last year, more than 2,500 doctors, 620 nurses and 550 orderlies received work permits in Canada.
It is important to note that before obtaining permanent residency, healthcare professionals face another difficulty, obtaining a license. To work in a medical profession, you need to pass exams and prove your qualifications, often requiring additional education in Canada.
If you need assistance with enrolling in colleges or universities in Canada or obtaining permanent residency, contact our company.