Free flights for Ukrainians

Now it is enough to apply on a special website.
On June 10, 2022, the official launch of the Ukraine2Canada application will take place. At 17:00 Eastern European time (UTC+3) you can apply through the site.
Registered Ukrainian citizens and their family members will be screened by the charity MOSAIC, after which the first 500 people will receive free plane tickets to Canada.
Please note that we are talking about 500 people, not applications for the program. If a family consists of four people, they will be allocated four tickets out of 500, not one. But if they apply once for all, they will be able to fly to Canada together.
Time to fill out an application online is limited, so organizers ask that you make sure that your computer or smartphone has all the necessary documents in electronic form and you can quickly upload them to the site:
- passport;
- valid visa;
- vaccination documents (if available).
A list of vaccines recognized by Canada can be found here.
MOSAIC may contact you to verify your information. You must be ready to leave within four weeks of completing your application. When the 500 tickets are distributed, the next round of applications will be announced, tentatively in late June. As promised, at least 10,000 Ukrainians will fly to Canada through the Ukraine2Canada program.