Arrima Selection May 5

Arrima Selection May 5

For the second time this year, the province is sending out very few invitations.

On May 5, 2022, the province of Quebec held another immigration drawing. Only 30 people received invitations. The previous drawing, which resulted in 33 candidates receiving invitations, was held April 7.

If you look at table, where we count the number of invitees in all selections, you can see that this is quite small compared to the normal rate of immigration processing. Since the beginning of the year, 2,232 people have waited for an invitation from the province.

As on April 7, the Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Integration selected those candidates who had a job offer outside Greater Montreal.

  • #immigration to Quebec
  • #work visa to Quebec
  • #work in Canada
  • #work in Quebec
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