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Canadian citizenship can now be applied for online

Canadian citizenship can now be applied for online

The government has greatly simplified the application process.

Immigration and Citizenship Canada has announced the launch of an online portal to apply for Canadian citizenship. The portal was launched as part of the Government of Canada's plan to make the immigration process easier and more convenient. The online platform has been tested since 2020 and is now ready to go.

So far, applications for citizenship in this format are accepted only under certain conditions: if the applicant is over 18, applies only for himself/herself (not for family) and independently (not through a representative).

Later this year, it will be possible to file as a family as well as for children under the age of 18. In 2022, it will be possible to apply through a representative.

Important: If you have already submitted a paper application, you do not need to do it online.

Canadian citizenship can be obtained after only 3 years of permanent residency (PRM) status. That said, the Canadian passport is one of the strongest in the world. Our team has licensed immigration consultants who will help you choose the right immigration program and complete all the documents.

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  • #Canadian citizenship
  • #Canadian citizenship
  • #Canadian passport
  • #Canadian passport
  • #Canadian citizenship
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #permanent residency in Canada
  • #how to get Canadian citizenship