Assess chances

Immigration to Saskatchewan for workers of in-demand occupations

Immigration to Saskatchewan for workers of in-demand occupations

Professionals in certain occupations can immigrate through the Occupation In-Demand stream.

The Occupation In-Demand stream of Saskatchewan's provincial program allows candidates whose professions are needed to immigrate. A job offer is not required in this stream.


To be eligible to apply for the Occupation In-Demand stream, you must meet the following requirements:

  • have any post-secondary education;
  • have a minimum of 1-year work experience within the last 10 years in a TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 occupation in the National Occupational Classification, NOC (managerial, skilled and trades occupations), which is not on the excluded list;
  • demonstrate proficiency in English or French at level 4 on the CLB scale (basic level);
  • score a minimum of 60 points out of 110 points in the scoring system (see below);
  • show the ability to support yourself and your family financially (see below).

Candidate evaluation

You must score 60 points out of 110 on the Saskatchewan Expression of Interest system for your immigration application to be considered. Points are awarded as follows:

Criterion Points
Master's degree or PhD 23
Bachelor's degree or trades certificate 20
Diploma of completion of a 2-year academic program 15
Diploma of completion of a 1-year academic program 12
Work experience
Five years before the application
5 years 10
4 years 8
3 years 6
2 years 4
1 year 2
The 6th to the 10th year before the application
5 years 5
4 years 4
3 years 3
2 years 2
Less than 1 year 0
Language level
First language
CLB 8 or higher 20
CLB 7 18
CLB 6 16
CLB 5 14
CLB 4 12
Second language
CLB 8 or higher 10
CLB 7 8
CLB 6 6
CLB 5 4
CLB 4 2
No second language 0
Under 18 or over 50 years old 0
18 to 21 years old 8
22 to 34 years old 12
35 to 45 years old 10
46 to 50 years old 8
Connections to the province
Relatives in Saskatchewan: parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin, or step sibling 20
Previous work experience in Saskatchewan of 1 year or more 5
Completed education of at least 1 year in Saskatchewan 5

Settlement funds

You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you move to Saskatchewan. The amount depends on the number of family members:

Number of family members Required amount in Canadian dollars
1 $13,757
2 $17,127
3 $21,055
4 $25,564
5 $28,994
6 $32,700
7 $36,407
Each additional family member $3,706

How to apply

If you qualify for the Occupation In-Demand stream, you can gather the necessary documents and create an Expression of Interest account on the official Saskatchewan website.


To learn about other Saskatchewan provincial program streams, see "Saskatchewan Immigration — Canada's Provincial Program".

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  • #immigration to Saskatchewan
  • #skilled worker immigration to Canada
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