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Manitoba Shows Lowest Inflation for Fifth Consecutive Month

Manitoba Shows Lowest Inflation for Fifth Consecutive Month

Manitoba once again shows the lowest inflation rate. The government is continuing to reduce expenses for families.

Manitoba shows the lowest inflation rate in the country for the fifth consecutive time, reported Finance Minister Adrien Sala. According to his statement, consumer inflation in Manitoba accelerated to 1.3% year-over-year in May, up from 0.4% in April. However, this figure is significantly lower than the national inflation rate of 2.9%.

Sala emphasized that the government immediately took action to reduce costs for families by cutting the gas tax by 14 cents per liter. This decision, he said, put money back into residents' pockets and helped lower overall inflation in Manitoba.

“Our decision to immediately cut the gas tax has had a direct impact on inflation, lowering everyday costs for families in Manitoba,” Sala noted.

The minister also pointed out that Manitoba residents have had to dip deeper into their savings for too long to cover monthly expenses. He stated that the government is taking measures to keep costs low for people, whether it’s for mortgage payments or grocery shopping.

Statistics show that Manitoba performs better on frequently purchased products and services, such as rent, gasoline, phone services, recreational equipment, and clothing, compared to the rest of the country.

“We know too many people are still feeling squeezed and our government is taking action to keep costs lower for people, whether they’re trying to pay their mortgage or buy groceries,” Sala added.

Sala also highlighted that the gas tax holidays help reduce inflation on food items, including groceries bought in stores and meals purchased at restaurants.

  • #Manitoba
  • #inflation rate
  • #Finance Minister Adrien Sala
  • #gas tax reduction
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