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The Canada Day parade in Montreal has been canceled due to bureaucratic challenges

The Canada Day parade in Montreal has been canceled due to bureaucratic challenges

The event organizer has announced the cancellation of the traditional parade due to difficulties in obtaining a permit from the city authorities.

The annual Canada Day event in Montreal has been canceled, with the organizer attributing the decision to excessive bureaucratic procedures when dealing with the city.

Organizer Nicolas Cowan stated that last year the city forced him to revise the parade route and find additional volunteers just a week before the event. This caused frustration and complications, leading him to cancel the parade this year.

The city of Montreal, in turn, stated that it had not received a permit request for the event. City officials expressed surprise and a willingness to help, emphasizing the importance of adhering to regulations to ensure safety.

  • #сancellation
  • #parade
  • #Canada Day
  • #Montreal
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