Prince Edward Island will provide heat to the homes of low-income residents

Prince Edward Island will provide heat to the homes of low-income residents

Caring for citizens and the environment with one solution.

Authorities in Prince Edward Island have announced the expansion of a program to provide home heating devices. Starting January 3, 2024, residents with an annual household income of less than CA$ 100,000 will be eligible for a free heat pump. Property value restrictions have been removed so that even more Island households will be eligible for the program.

Provincial Environment Minister Steven Myers said it's a solution to two problems at once. First, low-income people will get heat and save money:

"By installing a heat pump, households can save CA$ 1,000 a year on energy, so we are expanding our programs to more Island families and making it even easier to apply."

Second, switching from fuel oil to heat pumps will help the province reduce emissions, and therefore benefit the environment:

"With over 7,000 free heat pumps installed, replacing 7 million litres of home heating oil, it’s clear that Islanders are on-board to do what’s right for the environment."

In this way, the program brings Prince Edward Island closer to the cherished goal of zero emissions.

To make it easier for people to apply, there are several ways to prove your eligibility for the program. You can provide any document of your choice:

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  • #heating in Canada
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  • #heat pumps
  • #low-income benefits in Canada
  • #Prince Edward Island
  • #winter in Prince Edward Island
  • #environmentalism in Canada