6 reasons to learn French to immigrate to Canada

6 reasons to learn French to immigrate to Canada

Why you should consider learning French, even if you speak perfect English.

Canada is a bilingual country: English and French are the official languages. English is spoken by the majority (over 75%) and is the most widely spoken language in all Canadian provinces and territories except Quebec.

French is spoken by just over 21% of Canadians. French is the only official language in the province of Quebec, and French-speaking communities can be found throughout the country. New Brunswick and Ontario are home to hundreds of thousands of people for whom French is the primary language. Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Manitoba each have tens of thousands of francophones.

We talk about English and where to learn it a lot. But French is also worth looking into, and there are several good reasons for this.

Reason 1: Special immigration programs

special immigration programs

The first and probably the main reason why you should consider learning French, even if you already speak English, is the fact that speaking French or two languages can greatly increase your chances of getting a permanent residence permit.

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  • #learning French
  • #French language
  • #French in Canada
  • #French-Speaking Skilled Worker
  • #learning French to immigrate to Canada
  • #French-speaking Canada
  • #Quebec
  • #studying in Canada
  • #francophones in Canada