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Pearson PTE Language Test: A New Standard for Immigration and Education in Canada

Pearson PTE Language Test: A New Standard for Immigration and Education in Canada

Key differences from other language tests, advantages, and scoring system.

This year, Pearson PTE will be added to the list of language exams for immigrants to Canada. One of the PTE tests is also accepted by Canadian universities as proof of English proficiency. Should you choose this test instead of IELTS? What are its features? We'll answer these and other questions.

Who Conducts PTE tests?

The tests are conducted by Pearson Language Tests, a part of Pearson PLC, which is one of the largest educational companies in the world.

Pearson Language Tests has been developing English language tests since the early 1980s. PLT tests are accredited and conducted in partnership with Edexcel, one of the main British examination boards.

About The Tests and Their Advantages

So what specific tests does Pearson conduct? And why are we interested in them? We're interested because they can be taken instead of IELTS to prove English proficiency for obtaining a visa or permanent residence in Canada. Or to apply to a Canadian university and study there.

PTE Advantages

There are several reasons to consider taking Pearson PTE instead of IELTS.

The test is adapted to "international" English. Everyone knows there's a difference between "American" English and "British" English. When taking Pearson PTE, using the British spelling instead of American or vice versa won't be considered an error.

Secondly, artificial intelligence evaluates the completed test. According to Pearson, this allows for an unbiased assessment of each test and eliminates the chance of examiner error. It also significantly speeds up the delivery of results. While IELTS and TOEFL results taken at a test center take about two weeks, PTE Academic results are usually available within two days.

The PTE test is fully automated and taken on a computer. A person comes to the test center, sits at a computer, and takes the test. For some people, this is much easier. For example, many can't perform well in the speaking part of the exam not due to lack of knowledge, but because they're too nervous about interacting with an examiner. PTE eliminates this stress.

Which is easier: IELTS or Pearson PTE? The tests are roughly equal in difficulty. Each has its own specifics, and it's advisable to prepare well for each of them. Some might prefer IELTS due to its classic, familiar format. Others might find PTE easier because it's fully computerized and automated.

Test Price

Regarding price, Pearson PTE costs approximately the same as IELTS/TOEFL, often cheaper. Prices for each country where PTE can be taken are available on the official Pearson website. The table below compares PTE and IELTS prices in some countries (prices may vary depending on the specific test center).

Country PTE Cost IELTS Cost
Canada $340 CAD $359 CAD
United Kingdom $354 CAD $376 CAD
Armenia $230 CAD $373 CAD
Georgia $220 CAD $339 CAD
Latvia $235 CAD $365 CAD
Uzbekistan $190 CAD $248 CAD
Kazakhstan $180 CAD $229 CAD
Azerbaijan $220 CAD $367 CAD

PTE Academic and PTE Core

PTE Academic and PTE Core

For Canada, we're interested in two tests: PTE Academic and PTE Core. PTE Academic is suitable for those who need to prove English proficiency for study. PTE Core (formerly known as PTE Essential) is a test for those who need to demonstrate language proficiency for work and life in an English-speaking country. PTE Academic is recognized by over 200 Canadian universities, including prestigious institutions like McGill University and the University of British Columbia.

PTE Core is a test that can be taken by those who want to get a work permit or permanent residence in Canada. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) started accepting PTE Core results for all economic immigration programs on January 30, 2024.

PTE Academic

PTE Academic is taken on a computer and lasts 2-2.5 hours. Like most language tests, it consists of 4 components: Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading. PTE Academic includes 20 different types of questions.

Speaking and Writing are done in one block. This is the longest part of the test. It lasts about an hour and contains 7 types of questions. The examinee needs to speak about themselves, orally and in writing summarize short lectures, briefly answer questions, write a short essay, and read aloud.

PTE Academic

Reading lasts half an hour. It presents 5 different types of questions. In this part of the test, you need to choose correct answers to questions about a given text, arrange paragraphs to form a text, and fill in blanks in texts. Note that Reading also assesses writing skills. When you fill in answers in empty fields, these answers will be used to evaluate your writing skills.

After completing the first two sections of the test, you can take a 10-minute break. You can rest for longer, of course, but time over 10 minutes will be deducted from the remaining test time.

Listening is allocated 30-40 minutes. The test consists of 8 types of questions. During Listening, the examinee watches video clips and listens to audio excerpts with related questions. Each excerpt is played once, but you can take notes while listening. You need to fill in words in text blanks, find missing words, write a brief summary of the heard text, write a short dictation, and solve classic tests.

A special aspect of PTE Academic is that it uses English that, according to the Pearson PTE website, can be heard in an academic environment.

PTE Core

PTE Core is a test that launched on January 30, 2024. Its main task is to check if a person has English language skills at a level that will allow them to live and work in an English-speaking country. This test is perfect for those planning to immigrate to Canada. Moreover, it's designed almost specifically for immigrants to Canada.

PTE Core

"Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has chosen Pearson to launch the newest language test to prove English language proficiency," states the Pearson press release.

This is an updated version of PTE Essential. Like PTE Academic, the test assesses 4 skills: Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening. PTE Core consists of the same components as the academic version and also lasts 2 hours.

It's important to remember that PTE Core is designed for those who intend to live and work in Canada. If someone wants to enroll in a Canadian college, they need to take PTE Academic.

Our clients have already taken advantage of the opportunity to take this test and received their results:

PTE Core Results

Scoring System

The PTE test scores range from 10 to 90 points. Below is a table showing the correlation between average PTE scores, IELTS grades, and the CLB scale.

PTE 23 29 36 46 56 66 76 84 89 N/A
IELTS 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
CLB PTE Listening PTE Writing PTE Speaking PTE Reading
4 28-38 41-50 42-50 33-41
5 39-49 51-59 51-58 42-50
6 50-59 60-68 59-67 51-59
7 60-70 69-78 68-75 60-68
8 71-81 79-87 76-83 69-77
9 82-88 88-89 84-88 78-87
10 89-90 90 89-90 88-90

To obtain a Canadian visa or enroll in a college/university, an average IELTS score of at least 6.0 (equivalent to CLB 7) is usually required. In this case, for university admission, you need to score at least 50 points in each component of the PTE Academic test (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing). Pearson PTE specifies on their website that the typically required average score ranges from 58 to 73.

For immigration to Canada, the required language proficiency level varies depending on many factors. Many immigration programs require English proficiency at CLB 4-5 (approximately IELTS 4-5). In this case, a PTE Core score of 30 points would be sufficient.

Can You Take Pearson PTE Online?

Can you take PTE online?

There are no plans for an online version of the PTE Core test; it can only be taken in person at a test center. Fortunately, there are hundreds of centers worldwide. You can find information about the nearest center on the official Pearson Test of English website.

PTE Academic has an online version, but it's a bit complicated. Universities that accept PTE Academic also accept its online version, but the online test is not suitable for visa applications.

How to Take the Test?

How to take the test?

You can book the test on the Pearson PTE website. Click on the "Book a test" button and select the desired test from the list. You'll be redirected to another page where you can enter your city or country in the search bar. From the list below, you can choose the nearest center that administers Pearson tests. The calendar allows you to select a convenient date and time. After that, you'll need to provide passport information, pay for the test, and wait for the scheduled date. You can book the exam as little as 24 hours before the test.


In some cases, Pearson PTE can be an excellent alternative to IELTS. It's often cheaper, and you can book the test and get results faster. Some people might find it easier because it's entirely computer-based.

However, it's not accurate to say that it's definitely easier than IELTS; both tests require preparation and have their own specifics. If you're familiar with the IELTS format, have been preparing for it, and have the opportunity to take it, there's no significant reason to switch to PTE. If you're just starting to consider taking a language test, we recommend taking a closer look at Pearson PTE.

If you need help preparing for language tests or simply improving your English, sign up for online classes at the Canadian language school ILAC. Just a few months of intensive classes with certified native-speaking teachers will help you significantly improve your level. And the affordable price will be a pleasant bonus.

  • #English language
  • #English for admission to Canada
  • #higher education in Canada
  • #PTE Academic
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