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Justin Trudeau will "shake up" the cabinet ministry

Justin Trudeau will "shake up" the cabinet ministry

Sources in the government say several ministers could lose their posts as early as Wednesday.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, considered by many Canadians to be the worst prime minister in modern history, is preparing to reshuffle his cabinet, and the reshuffling of the first cabinet could take place as early as Wednesday. Government sources told CBC and CTV News.

Trudeau held private meetings with ministers in Ottawa ahead of his upcoming trip to Rideau Hall. Rumors have been swirling for weeks about reshuffles on the federal political scene this summer.

These upcoming and potentially significant cabinet reshuffles look to many like an attempt by the Liberals, who remain in the minority, to change their position on several hot-button issues. During the fall and spring sessions, the government was criticized on issues such as housing affordability, public safety, and online platform policies.

Over the weekend, several announcements from ministers scheduled for Monday were canceled across the country. Presumably, this was because ministers needed to get back to the capital in time to meet with the prime minister ahead of the reshuffle. Other ministers continued their work as planned.

Among the ministers who canceled were Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen, and the Minister of Official Languages Canada and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Ginette Petitpas Taylor.

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  • #Justin Trudeau
  • #Canadian government
  • #Trudeau government
  • #Canadian politics
  • #Canadian domestic politics
  • #Liberal Party of Canada
  • #Canadian ministers
  • #Canadian Prime Minister
  • #Ginette Petit-Petitpas-Taylor
  • #Ahmed Hussen
  • #Omar Alhabra
  • #Stephen Guilbeault