Canadians' view of the coronavirus situation

Canadian researchers from Research Co. asked a thousand random people about the COVID-19 situation in Canada. The results of the survey were surprising.
The survey was conducted online from Dec. 10 to 12, 2022, with 1,000 Canadians of varying ages taking part. Most of them believe that the worst times associated with coronavirus infection are over.
It is worth noting that independent sociological surveys are often conducted in Canada in order to get an objective picture of different areas. The previous survey on coronavirus infection was conducted in August. The results of the December survey of residents' opinions are presented in percentages:
- 75% believe that the worst times and a large number of deaths are over;
- 17% believe that things are just beginning and that Canada will have a lot of new diseases in the future;
- 70% consider COVID-19 a real threat to life and take steps to keep themselves and their families safe;
- 59% trust the federal government and support methods to fight the virus.
Among the provinces, B.C. leads in people's feedback on the quality of the pandemic response. Quebec is the second, followed by Ontario and Alberta.
Each province also honoured the best doctors who selflessly fought for the lives and health of Canadians. Bonnie Henry of British Columbia, Luc Boileau of Quebec, and Kieran Moore of Ontario received special honours and positive feedback from the public. Residents of Alberta also spoke positively of Chief Medical Officer of Health Mark Joffe, who was recently appointed to the position. It is important not to forget the existence of a free psychological helpline for all Canadians.
Despite the safety measures taken, Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam still strongly recommends:
- stay at home in case of symptoms of the disease;
- remember to vaccinate against coronavirus infection with available vaccines, including for pregnant women;
- try to avoid large crowds of people, even though it's a holiday;
- remember to use good-quality masks for protection, wash your hands regularly, and ventilate the room.
Now there are more and more cases of COVID-19 and H3N2 flu among children, which cause complications.