Canadian Pacific Holiday Christmas train has restarted its route

After two years of a pandemic, the Canadian Christmas train has returned. Let's see which provinces it will stop in and what the organizers offer the visitors.
The tradition of running a holiday train for Christmas across Canada and the United States has been around for 23 years. But the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train was suspended for two years because of the pandemic.
A holiday train is a charity event. The main goal is to raise funds and food for the fight against hunger, as well as to raise awareness among local residents about the problem of food shortages in some regions.
The train, decorated with Christmas lights, hosts free shows with live music. But the organizers encourage everyone who comes to make a generous donation or bring non-perishable food items.
According to a Canadian Pacific press release, since the Holiday Train program was launched in 1999, more than $21 million CAD has been raised and 5 million pounds of food have been collected for community food banks across North America.
Families with children are invited to the festivities to have fun, dance and support those who are in need. The train has already been to Ontario and Manitoba. Alberta and British Columbia are still ahead. The performance lasts for 30 minutes.
Schedule of stops across Canada
Thursday, December 8 |
Friday, December 9 |
Saturday, December 10 |
Sunday, December 11 |
Tuesday, December 13 |
Wednesday, December 14 |
Thursday, December 15 |
Friday, December 16 |
Saturday, December 17 |
Sunday, December 18 |