Getting a work permit will become easier on one condition

A new temporary measure to attract immigrants to Canada for 2 years will be introduced as early as January 2023.
Canadian employers are ready to hire spouses, common-law partners, and dependents of working-age immigrants of all skill levels. There are many jobs available in a variety of occupations. So the government offers more opportunities for family members who have already worked in Canada.
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Sean Fraser, along with Minister of Tourism Randy Boissonnault, announced that the Canadian government offers work permits to family members of temporary foreign workers.
This means that it will be easier to get a visa, and uniting families will have a positive effect on the emotional level of workers.
The government wants to attract workers in the healthcare, trade, and hospitality labour market. According to preliminary estimates, it is expected to add 200,000 foreign workers.
It is worth recalling that a husband or wife could only work (obtain an official permit) if one of the spouses had a highly skilled profession.
The transition will take place in three stages:
- In the first phase, family members of high-income earners will be able to apply for an open work permit.
- The second stage will consider family members of immigrants with average wages and below. They will have to be interviewed.
- The third stage will consider applications from workers in the agricultural sector.
Immigration plays an important role in Canada, and that's why policies to attract able-bodied citizens to the country are constantly being improved. The authorities at the federal level try to support employers and provide them with the necessary human resources at all levels.