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Unobvious expenses for Ukrainians in Canada

Unobvious expenses for Ukrainians in Canada

They pass medical exams for immigrants at their own expense.

British Columbia has raised the question of who should pay for the medical examinations that all arriving Ukrainians are obliged to undergo within 90 days. Filling out the application form for entry under the CUAET program requires checking a box agreeing to take a blood test and a chest X-ray upon arrival in Canada. A blood test and fluorography are not enough for authorization for some jobs, you need a more thorough examination, essentially the equivalent of a medical book in the CIS countries.

The costs of these examinations are not covered by the health insurance provided free of charge to Ukrainians, because they can only be performed by doctors accredited by Immigration Canada. It is common for immigrants to have medical examinations before they arrive in Canada, and even before they receive temporary or permanent resident status.

In order not to violate Canadian immigration laws and not to risk deportation, Ukrainians have to pay for the examinations themselves. If they had refugee status, they could take advantage of a special insurance program for refugees and get the necessary examinations for free. But so far Ukrainians have to pay about $400 CAD per person.

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  • #immigration to British Columbia
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  • #jobs in British Columbia
  • #immigration to provinces of Canada
  • #health care system in Canada
  • #help for Ukrainians in British Columbia