Canada and the US - is the border sealed?

Canada and the US - is the border sealed?

Niagara's chief medical officer thinks it's too risky to open the borders between Canada and the U.S. this summer.

A senior public health official in the Niagara Region (Ontario), Dr. Mustafa Hirji, said he would like to see the border between the United States and Canada remain closed until the fall. Even though local business leaders and politicians are calling for the opposite to support the region's tourism-oriented economy.

Travel restrictions between Canada and the United States end on July 21. However, the rules, which made exceptions for crossing the border for trade, work and study, changed several times during the pandemic.

Borders may not open

According to Dr. Mustafa Hirji, the risk of opening the border this summer is too great. "I think opening the border will put us at particular risk," Hirji said, "especially with the spread of the new Delta strain that has already been reported in parts of the Midwest United States.

Hirji also noted that Canada has been fairly successful in controlling the spread of coronavirus infection compared to other countries, and removing border measures too early could reverse that progress.

Hirji said he will recommend that the government extend the border closure this month. The situation could be reviewed in the fall so that both countries have extra time to vaccinate the largest number of people.

"It will probably take us another two or three months before we reach a stage where we maximize the number of inoculations, can resume work and not have to worry about the Delta strain overwhelming us," Dr. Hirji noted.

Niagara Falls vs.

However, such comments by Hirji stand in stark contrast to comments by Niagara Falls city companies and political leaders who want official Ottawa to open its borders immediately because the number of cases of COVID-19 virus infection has dropped significantly.

A joint statement released by them this week claims that many businesses in the city of Niagara Falls, which borders the U.S. state of New York, receive most of their revenue during the summer months. The statement also notes that the city's main revenue stream is in jeopardy for the second summer in a row. In addition, U.S. businesses located overseas are subject to less stringent public health regulations.

"The time for immediate action is now, as many of Niagara Falls' beloved attractions are in danger of permanent closure," the statement noted.

Entry for fully vaccinated travellers

Border measures eased slightly this week: fully vaccinated Canadian citizens and residents are now allowed to enter the country without complying with quarantine measures. However, those wishing to enter Canada must wait 14 days after receiving their second dose of vaccine approved in Canada. In addition, they must have results of a COVID-19 test done prior to arrival.

A group of Niagara Falls politicians and business people have asked official Ottawa to outline its full plans for resuming international and domestic travel with details on when fully vaccinated foreigners will be able to enter the country.

  • #US-Canada border
  • #fully vaccinated travelers
  • #Niagara Falls
  • #tourism in Canada
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