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Security Checks and Criminal Rehabilitation for Immigration to Canada

Security Checks and Criminal Rehabilitation for Immigration to Canada

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, you will need to obtain a criminal background check and if you have a criminal record, you will need to complete criminal rehabilitation.

Canada is the safest country in both Americas. But with the huge flow of immigrants from all over the world, it is difficult to maintain this status. That's why everyone arriving in Canada is subject to a thorough background check, and people with a criminal record may be denied entry.

Passing a safety inspection

Canadian immigration officers do criminal and security checks on all newcomers and those applying for permanent residence in Canada.

During these checks, officers request a criminal record certificate (police certificate), which confirms that the applicant has no criminal record or contains a list of criminal records.

Canada also does background checks on any place you and your family members have lived. These background checks will show if you have had any arrests or convictions and if you pose a security risk to Canada.

Who needs a criminal record certificate

You and your family members may need a criminal record check if you are applying for Canadian citizenship or permanent residence permit. They may also ask for the certificate if you are entering as a tourist, student, temporary worker or caregiver.

A certificate of criminal records must be provided to all family members who are at least 18 years old.

If the document is not in English or French, it must be translated by a certified translator.

Where and when to obtain a certificate of criminal records

You may need to obtain a certificate of no criminal record in each country where you have spent

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  • #Criminal Record Certificate
  • #Criminal Record Certificate
  • #Criminal Rehabilitation in Canada
  • #How to Immigrate to Canada with a Criminal Record
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