Assess chances

A new study opportunity in Canada for secondary school students - Longbridge Academy

A new study opportunity in Canada for secondary school students - Longbridge Academy

Longbridge Academy, a Canadian school, invites students in grades 9-12 to get an education in one of the most developed countries in the world and opens doors to the best universities in Canada.

Every parent dreams of giving their child the best of everything. One of the main keys to success is quality education, which allows them to enter the best universities and find a decent job in the future.

Education in Canada is considered one of the best and is recognized all over the world. A child who receives a school diploma in this country has a huge range of opportunities for further development.

Our Immigrant.Today team is delighted to introduce you to our new partner, Longbridge Academy.

School location

The school is located in the city of Aurora, Ontario. This small city of about 60,000 people is only 30 kilometers north of the provincial capital, Toronto.

Curriculum and Perspectives

Longbridge Academy offers education for students in grades 9 to 12, leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The educational process of the school is based on the curriculum of the Ontario Ministry of Education. The school's teaching system is aimed at developing practical skills and creative thinking. Special attention is paid to preparing students for higher education, with the help of professional counselors.

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  • #study in Canada
  • #education in Canada
  • #Canadian schools
  • #secondary schools in Canada
  • #secondary school
  • #study permit
  • #study visa
  • #Ontario
  • #Ontario schools
  • #secondary school diploma