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Justin Trudeau is both the most unpopular and one of the most popular prime ministers of Canada

Justin Trudeau is both the most unpopular and one of the most popular prime ministers of Canada

According to a new poll, 30% of Canadians believe Trudeau is the worst prime minister in modern history.

Justin Trudeau is most often named the worst prime minister of the past 55 years, according to a poll of 1,000 adult Canadians conducted by Research Co. At the same time, his father, Pierre Trudeau, is the most popular.

30% of respondents consider the current prime minister the worst among recent prime ministers, while his predecessor Stephen Harper came in second place. Harper was named the worst by 18% of respondents.

Pierre Trudeau was named the best prime minister since 1968 by 20 percent of Canadians, the highest number ever. In a similar poll in 2022, Trudeau Sr. scored one percent less. On the other hand, Justin Trudeau was named the best by 11% of respondents, placing him in the honorable fourth place in the list of the best prime ministers of half a century.

The poll also found that while 18% think Harper is the worst prime minister, 17% called him the best. In Alberta, his popularity is particularly strong.

"More than a third of Albertans (36 per cent) believe Stephen Harper has been Canada’s best recent prime minister. Pierre Trudeau fares best in British Columbia (27 per cent), Ontario (23 per cent) and Atlantic Canada (22 per cent)," shared the president of Research Co. in a press release.

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  • #Canadian politics
  • #Canadian polls
  • #Justin Trudeau
  • #Canadian Prime Minister
  • #Pierre Trudeau
  • #Trudeau's popularity in Canada
  • #Liberal Party of Canada
  • #Stephen Harper