Tamwood Summer Language Camps are Ready for the 2025 Season

Tamwood Summer Language Camps are Ready for the 2025 Season

English language programs, leadership development, and creative thinking workshops at summer camps in Canada and the USA.

The summer of 2024 was remarkable for Tamwood Camps, strengthening their position as one of the leading organizers of international summer camps. This year, more than 1,800 children and teenagers from 29 countries participated in the camps. Tamwood continues to create a unique atmosphere of global communication and cultural exchange for young people from around the world.

Tamwood Camps offers children aged 7 to 17 the opportunity to learn, explore, and grow in a multicultural environment. The camps teach children important qualities such as creative thinking, global awareness, tolerance, and leadership. Specially designed programs focused on English language learning and leadership skills development help children confidently move towards future success.

2024 Season Results

End of Season 2024 at Tamwood camps

As the completed season showed, the popularity of Tamwood camps remains strong: many participants return for a second, third, and even fourth time. A survey conducted among campers in 2024 revealed that 70% plan to return next season — an impressive testament to the quality of the programs and the overall atmosphere of the camps.

One of this year's successful innovations was the Tamwood Camp Parent App. Over 1,000 parents used the new option to stay connected with their children, receive updates, and photos. This app became an important tool for ensuring open and regular communication with parents while their children are at camp.

Update Plans for 2025

Tamwood isn't resting on its laurels, and a series of updates are planned for next year that will undoubtedly please new camp participants and their parents.

Plans for 2025 at Tamwood camps

Expanding Camp Locations

Responding to growing demand, Tamwood has announced the opening of a new camp in San Francisco. This city, with its rich cultural life, excellent accessibility, and beautiful California climate, will be an ideal addition to the existing locations.

Extended Season

Due to high interest in Tamwood camps, the 2025 season in Vancouver and Los Angeles will be extended by one additional week. This will give participants the opportunity to immerse themselves deeper in the educational and cultural programs of the camps, strengthening bonds with new friends.

New Themed Camps

In the summer of 2025, Tamwood will offer two new specialized programs:

  • Film Camp — a program for aspiring filmmakers where participants can learn the basics of filmmaking.
  • Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Camp — a program aimed at developing leadership qualities and practical skills for teenagers aspiring to become future camp counselors.

These innovations will complement existing programs, such as the Future of Work Camp, providing children with even more opportunities for self-development and acquiring new skills.

Independent Teen Programs from ILAC

For teenagers ready for the next level of travel and study, Tamwood and its parent company — Canadian language school ILAC — plan to offer programs with independent living. These programs will allow teenagers to live with host families and participate in engaging language and cultural activities, helping them immerse in local culture and improve their English skills.

Key Features of Tamwood Camps

Features of Tamwood camps

Tamwood accepts children aged 7 to 17, dividing them into three age groups:

  • Minis: 7–10 years old
  • Juniors: 11–14 years old
  • Seniors: 15–17 years old

Summer camps have several locations:

  • Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada)
  • Whistler, British Columbia (Canada)
  • Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
  • Los Angeles, California (USA)

Tamwood aims to provide children and teenagers not only with memorable summer experiences but also opportunities for comprehensive development. The camps offer programs that cover important aspects of personal and educational growth. Here are some key features that make Tamwood unique:

  • English language learning is a key goal of the camp. Programs are specially designed to make learning effective and classes engaging. Children develop communication skills, expand their vocabulary, and learn to confidently use the language in everyday situations.
  • Tamwood offers a variety of dynamic and immersive activities that help children experience a true spirit of adventure. From sports events to creative workshops — every child will find something for themselves, enriching their experience and developing their personal qualities.
  • Tamwood's special programs are aimed at fostering leadership qualities through active participation in team events, project work, and creative tasks. Children learn to take responsibility, work in a team, and show initiative.
  • The safety and comfort of children at Tamwood are top priorities. The camp grounds are under 24-hour security, and a medical professional is always present to provide assistance if needed. This ensures parents' confidence that their children are in safe hands.
  • Teachers at Tamwood are professionally trained and follow a specially developed methodology for young learners. This guarantees that children receive quality education adapted to their age and learning level, while caring mentors and camp staff provide an atmosphere where every child feels important and valued.

How to Join Tamwood in 2025

Tamwood Camps continues to work actively to make each new season better than the previous one. In 2025, the camps will offer even more opportunities for personal growth, English language learning, and leadership skills development.

If you want to give your child unforgettable experiences and valuable knowledge, you should consider this opportunity now. Additionally, Tamwood may offer good discounts for early bookings.

For more information and registration, please email us at mail@immigrant.today.

  • #Tamwood Camps
  • #summer camps
  • #summer language camps
  • #English for children
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