New Brunswick government wants to introduce a law to improve the lives of immigrants

New Brunswick government wants to introduce a law to improve the lives of immigrants

The system of validation of education and experience will become clearer.

Like other provinces, New Brunswick has more than a dozen regulatory bodies, each of which has the discretion to grant professional licenses to foreign professionals. The provincial government has introduced a bill that would make licensing more transparent and accessible to people coming to Canada.

If the law is approved, regulators will be required to:

  • make the application and licensing processes transparent, objective, unbiased and efficient;
  • comply with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, which ensures labor mobility and the necessary unified skills assessment system;
  • report to the Secretary of Postsecondary Education, Training and Labor on the extent to which registration practices comply with legal requirements.

The Minister will also be able to order accelerate the licensing of specialists in professions of priority to the provincial economy.

  • #Canadian credentials
  • #Canadian education credentials
  • #Canadian occupational licensing
  • #jobs in Canada
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