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What food the typical Canadian eat

What food the typical Canadian eat

The author talks about what kind of food traditional Canadians like to eat. Whether Canadians cook at home and try food from other cuisines of the world – you will learn about it from this video.

What do Canadians traditionally eat? What do they have on the table? Do they cook porridge? Do they make traditional soups and borscht and things like that? I asked my daughters these questions because they have a lot more contact with native Canadians than I do. I got very different answers. And the same answers at the same time.

Canadians love fast food

So, what conclusion we came to by observing just the Canadians we know. First: Canadians are very fond of eating so-called junk food: chips, hamburgers, sandwiches, various nuts covered with powdered sugar and so on. That's the kind of food that doesn't need special preparation. You come, chuck it in, get a lot of energy and run on.

In the traditional sense, as we cook, few people cook here. The exception, perhaps, are the Greeks or Italians. The bulk of people cook here, indeed, very little. And the main food is for some reason pasta. It would seem a strange choice for Canadians, but pasta.

All on a plate

We noticed another little peculiarity. This is how we serve, say, a second meal on a plate. It's usually a piece of meat, fish, some side dish and a small salad. It's all served on one plate. For traditional Canadians, it seems like a total horror.

They do eat salad on a separate plate first, then soup is served on a separate plate, a piece of meat may be served on a separate plate, the same pasta with some kind of sauce is served on a separate plate. But the way we traditionally eat, come to visit and put it all on one plate — they look at it very strangely.

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  • #food in Canada
  • #traditional food in Canada
  • #Canadian cuisine
  • #Canadian food
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #junk food in Canada
  • #Chinese food in Canada
  • #Canadians' attitudes towards cooking
  • #what Canadians eat
  • #national cuisine of Canada