The remains of a mysterious ship have been found in southwest Newfoundland

Locals and historians are excited about the clue.
The hull of an ancient ship has been discovered on the southwestern tip of Newfoundland. Residents in the surrounding area are stunned by the sight of the giant overturned ship and are already speculating about the history of its wreck and possible lost souls on board.
Gordon Blackmore, a 21-year-old local resident, was the first to accidentally spot an unusual long shadow underwater during an early morning seabird hunt on Jan. 20. He immediately reported it to his mother, Wanda, who decided to investigate the find herself after low tide. In the days that followed, the wreck attracted the attention of curious residents who came to examine the curved planks and wooden tripods that had served as nails in the past.
What do we know about the ship?
Local expert Neil Burgess, president of the Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, suggested the ship was built in the 1800s. This is hinted at by its construction: tripods and copper pegs to hold the planks together. Burgess also noted the ship's unusual size, suggesting that it may have been larger than a schooner and that its hull was probably not made in North America.
Burgess himself has not yet been at the site of the discovery. He emphasized that there are many shipwrecks around Newfoundland that are discovered from time to time. In his opinion, such events are magnificent and significant.
Wanda Blackmore is fighting to preserve the find, sending requests to various institutions, including Memorial University's Maritime History Archive and the Prime Minister's Office, asking them to send experts to protect the ship. She hopes the research will help determine the ship's history and perhaps even present part of it as a museum exhibit at the Cape Ray Lighthouse, which is a federally recognized historic site. Cape Ray was once part of a popular shipping route, and the shipwreck could have come from anywhere.