Protesters in Vancouver surrounded the restaurant where Trudeau was having dinner

Demonstrators demanded a ceasefire in Gaza
On Tuesday, Nov. 14 around 10 p.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced a crowd of disgruntled citizens. While he was dining at an Indian restaurant in Vancouver, the establishment was surrounded by about 250 protesters, some of whom entered the restaurant. The demonstrators were demanding a ceasefire in Gaza — or rather more action by the Canadian government in that direction.
The Prime Minister was escorted out of the restaurant by security guards, the demonstrators did not prevent this, but escorted Trudeau to the car with slogans and shouts. The prime minister's press service declined to comment on the incident.
After Trudeau's departure, supporters of a ceasefire in the Middle East protested in Chinatown. About a hundred police officers were deployed to the area and two protesters were detained as a result.
According to police reports, one of the men arrested assaulted an off-duty female officer who is now in the hospital. The 27-year-old man from British Columbia punched the police officer in the face and injured her eye. The other arrestee obstructed law enforcement.