A wildfire near Yellowknife is unlikely to reach the city by the end of the week

However, Northwest Territories officials note that the threat remains.
Officials of the Northwest Territories, where a state of emergency was declared earlier this week due to wildfires, don't expect the wildfire burning near Yellowknife to reach city borders by the end of the weekend. The cooler weather is partly to "blame". However, the territorial government warns that "the threat to the area remains."
A report released Saturday said the fires near Yellowknife are still out of control. However, rainfall in some areas has eased the situation. The government notes, however, that a little rain doesn't mean Yellowknife and nearby communities have become safe.
"This is good news. However, it is not enough to keep this situation at bay for long," the report said.
Authorities and fire departments in the Northwest Territories are closely monitoring the wildfire situation northwest of Yellowknife, given weather conditions and winds blowing from the east. Firefighting crews have established firebreaks cleared of trees and brush to prevent vegetation from becoming a fire hazard, and are using sprinklers and air tankers to stop the potential spread of the fire.
West winds and warming temperatures of up to 20 degrees are expected Sunday, leading to increased fire activity from noon to late afternoon.
"There are still tough days ahead and threat to the area remains. To make a major impact the fire would have to receive significant amounts of rain," the government said.
It is reported that as of Saturday afternoon, 326 fires were burning in the Northwest Territories. A total of 269 fires have occurred in the Territories in 2023, burning more than 21 thousand square kilometers.
Speaking of the evacuation of residents that began in the first half of the week, authorities in the Northwest Territories report that in total about half of the Territories' population has been displaced from their homes, with more than 19,000 people evacuated from the capital city of Yellowknife. Most residents have traveled to Alberta and Manitoba. About 2,600 others remain in Yellowknife, with 1,600 are considered non-essential workers. Those who are not evacuating because they don't want to leave their homes or believe the wildfires are not a sufficient threat, the local government is once again warning of the danger and urging them to leave Yellowknife.
Also on Friday, Defense Minister Bill Blair said he was ready to order Canada's armed forces, particularly aviation, to participate in the evacuation of Yellowknife residents.