Canada has become the most educated country thanks to immigrants

Immigrants with foreign degrees are more qualified than Canadians.
Canada has a larger population with a college or university degree than any other country. The proportion of people with a bachelor's degree or higher continues to grow due to the influx of highly educated foreigners and the increasing number of young people getting advanced degrees.
Statistics show that over 50% of Canada's working-age population are immigrants with doctor's and master's degrees. Almost 40% have bachelor's degrees.
Every year more and more educated people come to Canada. With their knowledge and Canadian experience, immigrants are in high demand by employers. According to the Workforce Report, the immigrants who arrived between 2016 and 2021 work at above-average hourly wages nowadays.
However, there are still difficulties. Foreign diplomas and degrees received abroad have to be confirmed. And there are many barriers: language skills, recognition of documents, practice, and Canadian experience.
Even in high-demand fields such as nursing or other medical fields, immigrants can't work in their speciality. But the state is trying to solve the problem of diploma recognition.
The growing number of international students is contributing to the educated workforce. International students have grown rapidly in recent years, from about 350,000 in 2015 to 620,000 in 2021. The data was provided by Immigration Canada according to the study permits issued. By their count, more than two-thirds of international students have earned a college diploma or master's degree, and half have earned a bachelor's degree. Most students graduated, found jobs and obtained permanent residency after graduation.
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International students are also a significant source of funding for colleges and universities. For example, it has been estimated that foreign students paid nearly 40% of all tuition and accounted for nearly $4 billion CAD in annual revenue for Canadian universities in 2020-2021.
According to the data, men and women are almost equally likely to pursue college degrees and choose high-skill occupations.