How much does it take to raise a child in Canada?

How much does it take to raise a child in Canada?

We tell you how much money you'll need per month, per year, and up to adulthood.

Even one child not only requires a lot of attention and care but also a serious amount of money. Statistics Canada does not publish information on how much Canadian parents spend on their children, but there are independent studies.

The average amount spent on a child in Canada is as follows:

  • $281,880 CAD for child support from birth to the age of 18;
  • $15,560 CAD for child support per year;
  • $1,305 CAD for child support per month.

To understand whether you will have enough money, it is worth calculating your family's monthly income and expenses. From these results, you can conclude. If you have $1,305 CAD or more left over from expenses, you’re likely to have enough money to raise a child. However, don't forget about contingencies.

Newcomers usually have low wages. In this case, Canada helps parents and pays child benefits. In 2022, families can get up to $6,997 CAD a year for a child under 6 and $5,903 CAD a year for a child 6 to 17. Benefits will decrease as your income increases.

In addition, the Canadian government is investing in affordable early education and child care systems. This allows parents to pay less for daycare and other facilities.

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  • #children in Canada
  • #moving to Canada
  • #how much money do you need for a child in Canada
  • #family in Canada
  • #how much does it cost to raise a child in Canada
  • #child support in Canada
  • #child benefits in Canada
  • #child benefits in Canada
  • #moving to Canada with family