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Federal Court of Canada to Evaluate the Legality of Bans on the Unvaccinated

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Federal Court of Canada to Evaluate the Legality of Bans on the Unvaccinated

The first meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2022.

The Justice Centre in Calgary believes that the right to free movement has been violated. Now 15% of Canadians who have not become vaccinated are not allowed to travel or leave the country.

In March, Brian Peckford, former premier of Newfoundland, the only surviving drafter of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, filed suit with the help of the Centre's lawyers. Both sides have since provided expert evidence for and against it. They will be sorted out by the end of June.

The hearing will take place from September 19 to 23, 2022. Similar cases have already been heard by courts in the US, India and New Zealand. All courts have found that the governments of these countries violated human rights in one way or another by imposing epidemiological restrictions.

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