How vaccinations are going in Canada

By the end of last week, Canada had caught up with the U.S. in the number of second-dose vaccinated.
As of July 11, the number of second-dose vaccinated against coronavirus infection in the country had reached 55 million — catching up with the United States.
Canada expects the necessary vaccine shipments to continue into the country this week, as it is already approaching to fully match the percentage of fully vaccinated people in the United States.
The federal government expects another 1.4 million doses of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech Corporation to arrive in the country over the next seven days. In addition, 1.5 million doses of the Moderna vaccine, which arrived last Friday, are scheduled for distribution. It also promises to deliver 68 million shots in Canada by the end of July, and federal officials say the national antiviral campaign is well on its way.
To date, about 42.7% of age— and health-appropriate Canadian residents have already received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The measure is expected to help them avoid contracting the coronavirus.
These figures are provided by the Canadian volunteer project COVID-19 Tracker, which relies on provincial and territorial data.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 48% of that country's population has already been fully vaccinated.