The Canadian government has created an online test for COVID-19

The Canadian government has created an online test for COVID-19

Worried you might have COVID-19? Take the test on the Government of Canada's website and get advice!

If you are worried that you may have symptoms of a new coronavirus, you can take a self-test on the Canadian government website. The purpose of this tool is to help Canadians find out if they might have the virus by asking a series of questions and sharing helpful tips.

Canadians worried about having symptoms of a new coronavirus can now get some official advice from the government without having to leave their homes or make long phone calls.

On Saturday, the federal government launched a new self-assessment tool that will give people advice about COVID-19 based on their responses.

Users will be asked about their whereabouts, symptoms, recent travel history, recent contact with others, and more, and then advised to either visit the emergency room, self-insulate at home, call a health care provider, or do nothing.

The site also provides useful links to both local and provincial resources and will help Canadians figure out what to do next.

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