Canadian clinic in the top ten in the world

Canadian clinic in the top ten in the world

Along with this Canadian clinic in the list of the best medical institutions of the USA, Israel, Japan, Germany and other countries.

Toronto General Hospital by Taxiarchos228/ CC BY-SA 3.0

Newsweek ranked Toronto General Hospital No. 7 on its list of the world's top 10 hospitals.

Toronto General Hospital (TGH) is the largest and most funded research organization in the country and the largest transplant center in North America.

As the University of Toronto's teaching hospital, the facility conducted a number of transplant studies in 2015, including three organ transplants (lung, liver and pancreas). TGH is home to the Peter Munk Cardiology Centre (named after the founder of Canadian mining company Barrick Gold, who donated more than $175 million), a world leader in open heart and cardiovascular surgery.

It should be noted that the hospitals in the top ten not only provide first-class care to their patients, but also determine the future of medicine.

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  • #immigration to Canada
  • #health care in Canada
  • #medicine in Canada
  • #Toronto General Hospital
  • #Toronto General Hospital
  • #medicine in Toronto
  • #best hospitals in the world