Why is Everyone Leaving Canada? The Uncomfortable Truth

No jobs, sky-high prices, everyone is leaving — you hear these stories online and from friends. But is it really true, and where do these rumors come from?
Many people say that it’s too late to move to Canada now. Doubts and disappointments about the country are heard everywhere. Is it really that bad, and why are people leaving?
Canada is known for welcoming a large number of immigrants, and recently, that number has increased. During the Syrian conflict, Canada accepted Syrian refugees. Now, there are special programs for citizens of Israel and Palestine.
We can also mention CUAET, a program for Ukrainian citizens that allowed them to get work visas through a very simplified process and come to Canada without worrying about points, English proficiency, and so on. Adding all this up, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of refugees have come to Canada in recent years. And not just them. In 2023 alone, Canada’s population grew by more than a million people. That’s a lot.
Many sectors of life and the economy were not prepared for such a large influx of people. Competition for jobs increased, housing prices went up... And rumors started that it’s impossible to find work, prices are constantly rising, homelessness is increasing, and other negatives about Canada. However, if you think about it, such situations have been happening worldwide.
Things have more or less stabilized now. But there are still reasons why people leave Canada, and I’ll move on to those.
Language Barrier
There are quite a few people who didn’t plan to move here but did so over the past two years.
Let me briefly stop here. Many people asked me: “Alex, we live well somewhere in Europe, Israel, Moscow, it doesn’t matter. Canada offers free visas, free hotel stays, and even one-time financial support — about $10,000 CAD for an average family. Should we move to Canada? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, but we have issues with the language.”
Many of those who moved without planning don’t know English, let alone French — Canada’s second official language. Therefore, it’s hard for them to adapt; they don’t understand people in stores, banks, or everyday life. Finding a decent job without language skills is almost impossible. Of course, you can learn the language in Canada, but that’s also tough. The free courses offered to “refugees” are of questionable quality.
We recommend English courses at a proper language school, where you can study in Toronto or Vancouver. There are even evening classes and online courses, so it doesn’t matter much where you live. However, not everyone can afford to spend on an English school right after moving. New immigrants are usually preoccupied with solving immediate problems and finding a job. If they watch our videos, they don’t have time to like them, which is important to us.
If you're interested in online English courses or studying in Canada, email us at mail@immigrant.today.
Cultural Differences
Canadian society is known for its tolerance and multiculturalism. There are many immigrants from all over the world, and they are all different from each other, which can be unusual for people from post-Soviet countries.
Another topic is service. People from “our” countries are used to things being done quickly. You can rent an apartment in two days, open a bank account in a day, get a job in a week... Canada is a more relaxed country, and many things take longer here. People live at a different pace, usually not rushing. Immigrants find this unusual and sometimes even dislike it.
But there’s a beauty in it — the absence of stress, confidence in tomorrow, the ability to plan your life without worries.
Then there’s the issue of the law. In “our” countries, many people are used to solving any problem by negotiating with the right person. The law is seen as something abstract, and if you have money, you can turn any situation to your advantage. That won’t work in Canada. There’s no place for corruption or nepotism; everyone is equal before the law. Some wealthy immigrants are unhappy that they’re on equal footing with everyone else here. Perhaps it’s for the best if such people leave.
Even ordinary people, not necessarily wealthy, may feel uncomfortable. Here’s a personal example. We have a Telegram channel and a chat about Canada, and recently someone asked how to download movies for free in Canada without any consequences. People feel uneasy about having to buy subscriptions to watch movies, listen to music, and so on.
Cost of Living
Yes, Canada is not the cheapest country to live in. Housing, food, transportation, education — all of these things are expensive. Additionally, people who just arrived are not immediately accustomed to the new currency and don’t know where to shop for cheaper. They go to a store, pick something up, then convert the price to their home currency, and of course, they are shocked. People who have lived here for some time know where the prices are favorable, where to buy cheaper, where the quality is better, and where there are discounts.
Going back to the population growth in Canada. In 2023, the population increased by a million people, and they all need somewhere to live. Naturally, housing prices in major cities can be unaffordable for newcomers. If five years ago you could buy a good house for $400,000-500,000 CAD, now prices are over $1 million CAD. New immigrants might consider more affordable cities for the time being. Places like Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and the Atlantic provinces have lower living costs, while salaries are almost the same as in Toronto. And I must compare Canada with other countries. Is there any place in the world where housing hasn’t gotten more expensive in the last two years?
As I mentioned, many people didn’t plan to move, they came here out of necessity. They constantly compare Canada to their home country, and it’s always negative. Again, my personal example. When I lived in Ukraine, I earned very well by Ukrainian standards. But in Canada, an IT professional and an electrician could earn about the same. Ukraine had very low taxes, so I could afford much more on my income than after moving to Canada. At least initially, now my family is settled.
But I moved to Canada consciously, while many who come here with decent money get upset that they can’t maintain the same level of comfort as back home. Some run out of money and leave, while others just don’t want to work and adapt, so they go back or look for another country that offers benefits.
On the other hand, those who get a job realize that with a Canadian salary, they can afford to rent a place, buy decent food, save for their children’s future education, and take vacations regularly. In general, you can live well here, and Canada is safe.
Job Search Challenges
High competition, the need to validate qualifications, language barriers — all these create obstacles. As I mentioned, finding a job without knowing English is extremely difficult. Not everyone understands how the Canadian job market works and how to get a job here.
The first thing you need is a resume that meets Canadian standards. They differ from those in other countries. The selection of candidates in companies is usually step-by-step. First, you need to be selected based on your resume, then there’s typically a screening call from HR, and only after that, you’re invited for an interview, which can be multiple.
Yes, there are challenges. Some professions require a license, and competition in big cities is very high. But I regularly talk to other immigrants, including our clients who recently arrived, and learn some hacks from them. For example, you can get a physical job or a side job without much trouble, allowing you to live more or less decently while looking for something better. Those living in Toronto look for jobs outside the city, where competition is lower and salaries are higher.
Overall, the job market in Canada is constantly changing. The economy is growing, creating new jobs, especially in fields like IT, healthcare, and construction. Smaller cities often face a labor shortage. Canada’s unemployment rate is currently just above 6%. Yes, there is competition, but that’s normal; it exists everywhere. If you want to build a career, you need to learn the language and possibly acquire new skills.
We can help you prepare a high-quality resume that meets all Canadian standards and makes you stand out in the job market.
Many suggest starting your own business because taxes for small businesses are low, and the government supports such enterprises.
Attitude of Canadians Towards Immigrants
What about how Canadians feel about immigrants? People here are very welcoming, friendly, and open, but some immigrants somehow feel that it’s hypocritical. I think people from “our” countries are just not used to smiling at others or wishing them a good day; they’re used to everyone being unhappy everywhere.
Our clients come to Canada and tell us how Canadians help them. They offer advice on where to find things, donate furniture to furnish an apartment — apartments here are rented unfurnished. I know people whose children went to Canadian schools without knowing English, and the teachers support and help them adapt.
But if you constantly criticize Canada or if Canada is providing you with financial assistance from taxpayers and you don’t want to work, then, of course, the attitude towards you might worsen. If you respect the country, its laws, and culture, and learn the language, you will be welcomed.
So, what can I say? Canada is a wonderful country where it’s comfortable to live and work, and it can truly become your home. Yes, adapting isn’t always easy; the world has changed, and some things have become more difficult. You need to be ready to change and adapt. Otherwise, you’ll find it very uncomfortable here.
If you’re considering moving to Canada, we offer a free assessment of your chances using artificial intelligence. Given that immigrating to Canada can be complicated, this assessment will help you understand how high your chances are and avoid wasting time if they turn out to be insufficient.
If you’re determined to live in Canada, we’re ready to help you with the immigration process and applying to Canadian universities. We also offer English language courses both online and in Canada and can help you create a resume that meets Canadian standards for a successful job search.
Alex Pavlenko, founder of Immigrant.Today