The Prime Minister delivered his Christmas address

And the call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has delivered his Christmas address to the nation. In it, he said that although the reason for the celebration is religious, the values behind it are universal. It makes sense that in a country that relies on an open immigration policy, the prime minister called to "llove our neighbours as we love ourselves" and "find strength in our differences."
Trudeau also recalled how important it is to help those who find themselves in a difficult situation, obviously referring to both specifics and public policy. Just the other day, Canada announced next measures to support those affected by the crisis in the Middle East and took part in a project to help Ukraine. Being there for those who are difficult and lonely is, according to Trudeau, "not just the true spirit of Christmas – it is also the true spirit of Canada."
The prime minister separately expressed gratitude to the army and the emergency services:
"To our brave members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the first responders who work around-the-clock to keep us safe, and the volunteers who give up their time to make someone else’s Christmas merry and bright: Thank you. You embody the eternal message and timeless truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive."
Trudeau concluded by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas "from my family to yours." He expressed his hope that everyone could relax, celebrate well and carry this peaceful and festive mood into the future.