Ontario Immigrant Job Fair

The event to find jobs, housing and more will be held in the Greater Toronto Area.
On Nov. 9, the city of Mississauga, part of the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, will host an immigrant fair. At the local Living Arts Centre from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., you'll be able to find your employer — and much more. A similar event will be held on Oct. 26 in Vancouver.
Attendance at the fair is absolutely free. The main thing is to register at the link. The organizers see their mission as helping immigrants meet employers, recruiters, representatives of educational institutions and useful public services, as well as providers of all kinds of important services for newcomers.
At the Mississauga Fair you will be able to:
- find a job;
- get training from a career coach;
- get help with English;
- get consultation on banking;
- learn about organizing a business in Canada;
- meet with immigration counselors;
- find out where and how to find favorable housing;
- ask your questions to professionals in immigration, adaptation and recruiting;
- be inspired by the stories of successful immigrants;
- make useful acquaintances and so on.
Due to the onset of the cold season, organizers ask all visitors to wear medical masks — for the sake of your comfort and safety.