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Canada's population will reach a record high


StatCan predicts that Canada's population will pass 40 million as soon as this week.

Population Clock, a Statistical Agency of Canada (StatCan) tool that simulates real-time population growth, predicts that Canada's population will reach 40 million people by 3 p.m. EDT on Friday. Population Clock uses data on births, deaths, immigration and emigration in its calculations.

"This is an exciting milestone for Canada. It is a strong signal that Canada remains a dynamic and welcoming country, full of potential. As we head into Canada Day, this is certainly cause for celebration." said StatCan head Anil Arora.

Last year the country's population grew by 2.7%, the second highest rate in Canadian history. The country's population grew more as a percentage only in 1957 (3.3%).

Canada continues to be the leader among the G7 countries in terms of population growth rate. From January 2021 to January 2022, the population grew by more than one million people. This is the largest annual population increase in the country's history. There has also been population growth in all provinces except the Northwest Territories.

It is also noted that temporary and permanent immigration is one of the main factors setting the rate of population growth. Immigrants to Canada were responsible for 96% of last year's population growth.

The Statistical Agency now assumes that the population could reach 50 million by 2043. This is earlier than previous forecasts had predicted.

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  • #Canadian population
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #Statistics Canada
  • #birth rate in Canada
  • #StatCan
  • #emigration from Canada
  • #Canadian population growth
  • #Statistics Canada
  • #Canada Day