Sean Fraser announces family reunification program for Ukrainians

Sean Fraser announces family reunification program for Ukrainians

Family members of permanent residents of Canada from Ukraine will be able to obtain permanent residency.

Last year, the Canadian government granted temporary asylum to an unlimited number of Ukrainians wishing to flee the war. Temporary refugee status does not provide the same conditions as permanent refugee status, but it does grant permission to work and study for three years. After this period, a temporary refugee can apply for an extension of his or her stay in the country.

Since then, Canada has received more than a million temporary emergency visa applications. By the end of May, nearly 750,000 of them had been approved, and more than 230,000 Ukrainians had already arrived in Canada.

At that time, the country's leaders promised to launch a family reunification program that would allow Ukrainians with family ties to Canada to obtain permanent residency status. Recently, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser reported that work on the plan was underway. And now, this week, Fraser announced the launch of this program.

"We’ve been hearing from the Ukrainian community in Canada that family reunification for people who are here now with their families is going to be a priority, so they can remain connected to their families," Fraser said.

The simplified permanent residency program for Ukrainians without relatives in Canada is unlikely to start anytime soon. However, according to the Minister of Immigration, they can apply for permanent residency through traditional immigration programs.

Canada is doing a lot to help Ukraine and Ukrainians. For example, we recently talked about the extension of the wjthdrawal of duties on goods imported into Canada from Ukraine, and about help from the Canada-Ukraine Foundation to students from Ukraine.

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  • #permanent residence in Canada
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