Canadian Armed Forces Day

What is this holiday and how Canadians spend it.
The Immigrant.Today team hastens to congratulate all Canadian servicemen on their professional holiday. This day is celebrated on the first Sunday in June. The holiday is not an official holiday, but Canadians honour it and celebrate it in a big way. The people of the country love and appreciate their defenders and defenders, so they do not miss the opportunity to honour the memory of the fallen and to please the now living. Servicemen and veterans receive gifts and say thank you words. Military units host holiday concerts and fireworks displays. Civilians and military spend time together over a holiday meal. Some cities hold special events — games, quizzes and dances.
Serving and retired military personnel are congratulated by the prime minister, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (a post now held by Mary Simon, the governor general), the minister of national defense and the chief of defense staff.
Residents remember the soldiers' contributions to Canada's well-being in the past and place flowers on graves and monuments.
If you know servicemen in Canada, be sure to congratulate them — they will be very pleased.