What annoys Canadians?

What annoys Canadians?

What do the residents of Canada hate about their country?

Like any country, Canada has its drawbacks. Some of them make local residents grind their teeth in anger. We've gathered information on what annoys Canadians through threads on the Reddit website.

Expensive domestic flights

Flying from one Canadian city to another can cost more than residents of the CIS countries would spend on a trip to a foreign resort. And it can be three to four times more expensive. One user complained that flying business class to Latin American countries cost him less than flying economy between Vancouver and Ottawa. Fortunately, the Canadian transportation market is gradually changing and low-cost companies are appearing.

Outrageously expensive internet

We have already quoted data collected by CBC: the cost of a gigabyte in Canada is seven times higher than in Australia, 25 times higher than in Ireland and France, and 1000 times higher than in Finland. No, people do not pay thousands of dollars for a standard internet package, but CAD 100-150. However, this is much more expensive than in neighboring countries. If you do not live in Canada, try converting the amount you pay for your internet connection to Canadian dollars for the sake of the experiment. Compare it with the prices mentioned in the article. We are sure you will feel deeply grateful to your provider.

All goods are more expensive than in the United States

In every Canadian's life, there was a moment when they bought some item from a local seller and found out a week later that it was 2-3 times cheaper in an American online store. The country's residents admit that this is terribly annoying. Some local stores significantly inflate prices on goods brought from the United States. It is cheaper and more profitable to order things from the United States online. You will have to wait and pay for shipping, but it is more cost-effective than shopping in Canadian stores.

Terrible cold

Contrary to stereotypes, not all Canadians love snow and winter. Many curse it. There is a reason for this: because of the harsh climate, the tires on cars wear out, and local fashionistas are desperate — instead of dresses, they have to wear ski suits with additional insulation. In the coldest regions of Canada, private homeowners have a hard time — something always freezes there. If not the water supply, then at least the car. But at least you can store food on the balcony and skate on frozen lakes.

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