Canadians do not support the British Crown

Canadians do not support the British Crown

How are Canadians split on in their opinions about the royal family?

The coronation of Canada's new King is less than two months away and the country is split up the middle on whether it's time to cut ties with the Crown, a new poll suggests.

A Leger survey of 1,544 Canadians found 56 per cent of respondents agreed the country should "reconsider its ties" to the monarchy now that there's a new sovereign.

If we analyze the situation by region, the number was higher in Quebec. Here, 71% of those surveyed said that a constitutional soul-searching about the Crown should be made.

Meanwhile, residents of Ontario (53%) and British Columbia (52%) were the most likely to say that King Charles and his heirs should retain their current role in the Canadian system.

Revising ties with the royal family is not easy to do. Canada's constitution requires unanimity on the issue — the House of Commons, the Senate and all 10 provinces will have to agree on a different system. Earlier, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had "no appetite" for this kind of protracted constitutional battle.

But it's obvious that very many Canadians don't think much of the royal family.

The survey performed that 67% of respondents felt "indifferent" about Charles' new role. Only 12% said the coronation was "good news". About 14% said it was "bad news".

About 80% of respondents said that they were "not personally attached in any way" to the British monarchy.

  • #polls in Canada
  • #Canada-UK relations
  • #Canada's relationship with the royal family
  • #Canadians about the British crown
  • #British-Canadian relations