Ontario raises salaries for educators

The proposed allowance does not suit the unions.
On August 15, the Ontario government announced that it is offering education workers who earn less than $40,000 CAD a 2% increase, which is about $800 CAD to their annual salary. For those earning more, a 1.25% increase was proposed.
The Canadian Union of Workers (CUPE), representing 55,000 workers, including pre-school teachers, school administrators, bus drivers and watchmen, demanded an 11.7% wage increase ($3.25 CAD per hour). They believe the proposed raise is unfair:
"Given the inflation as it is, this is actually a pay cut to these education workers."
The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the agreement to increase the rate is signed for 4 years. Thus, the next time this point can be reconsidered is in 2026.
Ontario residents strongly disagree with the government. Some are calling the 2% proposal at inflation of 8% "an insult to all educators who are already undervalued." One Twitter user wrote in his post:
"By offering a raise that is essentially a cost-of-living pay cut to professionals who often need other jobs to make ends meet, you are destabilizing and privatizing the system."
For his part, Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce released a statement that the government's proposal is reasonable, fair and provides stability.
The issue needs to be resolved urgently, since the previous agreement expires on August 31. Therefore, CUPE says it plans to discuss the strike vote next week.