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British Columbia will develop its infrastructure in collaboration with Japan

British Columbia will develop its infrastructure in collaboration with Japan

The government plans to invest $21 billion CAD.

British Columbia has signed an important agreement with Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport and Urban Development (JOIN) for transportation infrastructure development. The agreement is aimed at cooperation in railways, ferries, port terminals, airports, urban transport and other related projects.

The provincial minister of jobs, economic recovery and innovation emphasized the significance of the event: "This agreement will help broaden our horizons on transportation infrastructure and welcome international investment to BC."

JOIN Corporation operates dozens of projects around the world and specializes in creating public-private infrastructure partnerships outside of Japan that act as investments for the Japanese government as well as opening up business prospects for Japanese companies.

Last month, the province approved a 10-year transportation infrastructure plan that includes many changes and innovations. At this point, they are estimated to cost $21 billion CAD.

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  • #life in Canada
  • #British Columbia
  • #infrastructure in Canada
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  • #infrastructure development in Canada
  • #resident life in Canada
  • #cities in Canada
  • #move to British Columbia
  • #immigration to British Columbia
  • #Canada-Japan cooperation