Wild animals keep attacking Canadians

Two cases of violent raccoon attacks have been reported in the last week.
North Vancouver resident Sarah Breim was tending her own garden when her dog ran out of the shed and was chased by an aggressive raccoon. When Sarah bent down to pick up the dog, she realized the raccoon had climbed onto her back and was biting her legs and arms.
Neighbors ran to the screams, wrestled Sarah away from the monster, and called for emergency assistance. Doctors stitched her up and gave her a tetanus shot.
According to Sarah, the raccoon was larger than her 9-pound dog.
Earlier in East Vancouver, Joyce G. also had to fight off a wild animal with her dog. While kicking it, she tripped and fell to the ground, which the raccoon immediately took advantage of and attacked her. It jumped on her hand and bit her fingers and leg.
"It was a nightmare. He kept advancing without stopping," she told reporters.
G says she would like to see real action by Vancouver authorities to protect people from animal attacks.
At the same time, the first victim believes that people themselves are to blame for the raccoons' aggressive behavior: "These animals have every right to be here. What are we doing to their homes? They have nowhere to go because of us.
She urges dog owners not to leave their dogs tied up in yards to avoid attacks.