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The pandemic is over, but the problems of remote work remain

The pandemic is over, but the problems of remote work remain

Ontario firms are now required to warn job seekers in writing about possible overtime.

Ontario was the first Canadian province to try to regulate work-life balance. In 2021, several surveys showed that at least 40% of working adults in Canada suffer from burnout or believe they work too hard. In Southwestern Ontario, the number is much higher, with 73% complaining about burnout. And the Remote Work Productivity Survey showed that 35% of Canadians worked more hours at home than in the office.

As of June 2, a law passed at the end of 2021 went into effect. As of this date, Ontario organizations must put their policies related to after-hours work in writing. This applies to all companies with 25 or more employees.

"Disconnecting from work" is defined in the law as "not participating in work-related communications". This includes sending or viewing messages, answering emails, making phone calls, and making video calls. The organization's written policy should make it clear whether an employee is required to read messages and do anything at all outside of work hours.

Quebec and the federal government have also considered the idea of such a law, but have not yet submitted a bill. France was the first to pass a law protecting against overwork. Italy and Slovakia have similar regulations.

  • #Ontario
  • #jobs in Ontario
  • #Ontario laws
  • #recycling in Ontario
  • #life in Ontario
  • #worker protection in Ontario
  • #work-life balance in Ontario
  • #work in Canada