Canadians rally against abortion

Thousands of people gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday.
The "March for Life" anti-abortion rally takes place every year, but this time the protesters were especially excited. Information recently surfaced on the Internet that the U.S. Supreme Court is about to overturn Roe v. Wade. The decision gave American women a federally enshrined right to an abortion. If the decision is overturned, any state in America will be able to ban abortion in its territory, and it is very likely that 26 states will do so.
Canada has one of the most loyal laws regarding the right to abortion. Before 1969, abortion was forbidden in principle. After that, abortions were performed strictly on medical grounds. But in 1988 any restriction of women's rights to dispose of their own bodies was recognized as violating the Constitution of Canada.
Since then, abortions in Canada can be done even in the last month of pregnancy. But there is a big problem: To terminate a pregnancy at public expense quickly and without undergoing examinations in many provinces is very difficult. In small towns in Canada, it is possible that a woman will have to fly to a big city or to Toronto at her own expense to terminate a pregnancy.
In response to the debate in the U.S., the Canadian government has officially announced that not only is it not going to ban abortion, but will allocate more than $3.5 million CAD to expand the availability of the service. The Canadian Minister of Family Affairs also assured reporters that women have every right to come from the U.S. to Canada and have abortions at their own expense.