There is a shortage of correctional workers in northern Ontario

There is a shortage of correctional workers in northern Ontario

You need a criminal record certificate if you have been a resident for less than five years, and a high school diploma verified in Canada.

The government Ontario is investing $1.2 billion CAD to build a new state-of-the-art prison complex in the north of the province, $96 million CAD to expand existing facilities, and up to $5 million CAD to recruit and retain staff at these facilities.

To become a correctional officer, you have to go through a lot of background checks and eight weeks of training that includes a first aid course. That's why the hiring process takes six to nine months. The new officer assistance program, which will provide between $4,000 and $15,000 CAD for each officer's adjustment, starts April 27, 2022.

As of this writing, there are 629 temporary jobs open in Ontario correctional facilities, only 24 of which require knowledge of the French language. The jobs pay from $28.98 CAD per hour, but warn that the schedule is irregular and 40 hours a week may not be enough.

Candidate Requirements:

  • be over 18 years of age;
  • have the right to work in Canada;
  • have at least a high school education (the other country's certificate must be confirmed in Canada by an accredited organization);
  • take a cognitive and behavioral test;
  • take the FITCO fitness test, which includes a shuttle run and reaction tests;
  • undergo a physical examination.

The College of Corrections in Hamilton offers free FITCO classes. Other colleges in Ontario also offer these classes, but for a fee.

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  • #jobs in correctional facilities in Canada
  • #jobs in Canada
  • #prisons in Canada
  • #correctional facilities in Canada
  • #Correctional Service of Canada
  • #Canadian prison system
  • #jobs for physically fit men in Canada