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Over one million open jobs in Canada

Over one million open jobs in Canada

The shortage of specialists in the country is becoming more and more acute.

A new report from Statistics Canada shows that the economy continues to recover from the pandemic.

In September, 91,100 people were employed in Canada. Ontario led the way with 43,000 new hires. It was followed by British Columbia and Quebec. In addition, 8 provinces saw an increase in wages.

Despite this, the country continues to face staffing shortages. At the beginning of September, there were more than 1 million vacancies. 200,000 of these were in the hospitality sector. There were another 130,000+ vacancies in the health and social care sector, about 122,000 in the retail sector, and 80,000 in the construction and manufacturing sectors.

Statistics Canada explains that this increase in vacancies may be due to several reasons:

  • economic activity has increased and companies are creating new jobs;
  • There are not enough professionals with the right skills to fill the seats;
  • employees are less willing to accept the conditions offered in vacancies.

Even low-skilled occupations are now in short supply in Canada, so provinces are willing to offer permanent residency to such candidates. Nova Scotia has added waiters, kitchen assistants and cleaners to its list of in-demand occupations that are easier to immigrate into, and Saskatchewan has announced the imminent launch of a new immigration program for unskilled workers in several fields.

One of the factors of successful employment is a quality Canadian format resume. Contact our professionals to write resumes to all standards. Canadian work experience opens up access to a large number of immigration programs that are not available to other candidates.

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