Air Canada customers given more time to request refunds

The airline has gone out of its way to accommodate passengers whose flights were cancelled due to COVID-19.
Canada's largest airline, Air Canada, has announced a 30-day refund extension for flights cancelled due to the pandemic. Customers who purchased a non-refundable ticket before April 13, 2021, but were unable to fly out now have until July 12, 2021 to request a refund.
As of April 13, the company had 1.8 million reservations subject to refunds. But only 40% of customers had requested it. 92% of the requests have already been processed. Instead of a refund, passengers have the option to receive a perpetual voucher for the flight or convert the cost of their ticket into Aeroplan points, receiving an additional 65% bonus.
"The number of customers who have requested refunds is lower than anticipated," said Lucy Guillemette, executive vice-president and chief commercial officer at Air Canada, "most of the lowers have kept their travel credit: an Air Canada travel voucher or Aeroplan points — we're pleased with that because it shows they're planning to travel in the future.
Guillemette said airline staff were working to process refund requests as quickly as possible. They have also been contacting customers directly to offer them compensation options. However, due to the small number of applicants, Air Canada has decided to extend the initial deadline for applications.
You can request a refund in special section on the airline's website. Customers who purchased their ticket through a travel agency should contact the agency.