Canada will pay compensation for complications from vaccinations

Such a program has been called for since the 1980s.
On June 1, Canada launched its federal Vaccine Injury Support program. It allows people who have had serious complications to apply for financial compensation afterwards.
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, a number of conditions must be met for payment to be made:
- vaccinated in Canada after December 8, 2020;
- the drug is approved by the Ministry of Health;
- side effects were severe: resulting in hospitalization, disability, disability, or death;
- the patient went to the hospital with complications.
The amount of payment will be determined on an individual basis. In the event of a vaccinated person's death, compensation will be paid to family members.
Serious complications from vaccination do occur, but they are extremely rare. As of May 21, there were 5,989 reported adverse events in Canada, of which 1,126 were considered severe — 0.006% of the total doses administered.
Last week there were just over 20 cases of VITT, a rare but dangerous thrombosis that can occur after vaccination with AstraZeneca, with 14 more cases being investigated. Five people have died as a result.
Canadian advocates have been calling for compensation for complications since the 1980s. To date, Canada has remained the only G7 country that has not had such a program.
You can apply on the program website. Quebecers cannot apply because the province has its own compensation program.