Canadian Prime Minister Comments on Pfizer Vaccine News

According to him, the American development was the light at the end of the tunnel
On Monday, the U.S. company Pfizer shocked the world by announcing that the first results of human trials of the vaccine show 90% efficacy against the coronavirus infection. The Prime Minister of Canada immediately commented on the news, expressing hope that the vaccine will be available in Canada early next year.
Nevertheless, he urged Canadians to continue to maintain social distance and obey public health guidelines so as not to lose control of the pandemic.
"If you get COVID-19 in the coming days and weeks, the vaccine won't help you or your family," he added. — We see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope we're moving in the right direction, but we need to do our part by staying strong for a few more months, too."
It is noted that Canada already has an agreement with Pfizer to purchase 20 million doses of the vaccine, which is currently being tested.