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Canada offers new work permit to international students

Canada offers new work permit to international students

The pandemic has seriously prevented international students from working in Canada. But the government has found a way out.

International students contribute more than $21 billion CAD to Canada's economy. But because of the pandemic, many graduates with Post-Graduation Work Permit have been unable to find work, which is necessary to get permanent residency.

According to Immigration Minister Marco Medicino, international students whose work permits have and will soon expire will now be able to get a new one. This will allow them to stay in Canada for another 18 months to find work. The program could help 52,000 graduates.

The Canadian government is working hard to keep international students in Canada. They make up for labour shortages and create new jobs. Given their qualifications, high level of language and work experience in Canada, Canadian graduates have very high chances of becoming permanent residents. For example, more than 58,000 students were successfully granted permanent residency in 2019.

But the pandemic has seriously hampered the flow of international students to Canada, so the government is taking new measures.

"Our message to international students and alumni is simple," Medicino says. — Not only do we want you to study here, we want you to stay here.

Applications for the program will begin to be accepted as early as January 27. You can apply under the following conditions:

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